Project Lead: Dr. Laundette Jones, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland
The UNM Center for Participatory Research will provide leadership and methodologic expertise on the development and implementation of qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluating Participatory Health Research Projects. This includes either leading or collaborating on evaluation designs, questions, methods, and measures on the various dimensions of PHR evaluation: 1) the local and national contexts that inform and shape PHR project(s), 2) the type and extent of partnering practices, 3) the impacts of participation on the research and knowledge creation process, and 4) the range of outcomes/impacts of PHR.
If you would like to design or conduct a PHR evaluation with ICPHR partners or that reflect ICPHR goals; develop a review of evaluation protocols, validity issues or other dimensions of PHR evaluation; or have a manuscript/concept paper on PHR evaluation issues to post, please send an email to Nina Wallerstein, project lead.
The UNM Center for Participatory Research will provide leadership and methodologic expertise on the development and implementation of qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluating Participatory Health Research Projects. This includes either leading or collaborating on evaluation designs, questions, methods, and measures on the various dimensions of PHR evaluation: 1) the local and national contexts that inform and shape PHR project(s), 2) the type and extent of partnering practices, 3) the impacts of participation on the research and knowledge creation process, and 4) the range of outcomes/impacts of PHR.
If you would like to design or conduct a PHR evaluation with ICPHR partners or that reflect ICPHR goals; develop a review of evaluation protocols, validity issues or other dimensions of PHR evaluation; or have a manuscript/concept paper on PHR evaluation issues to post, please send an email to Nina Wallerstein, project lead.
Focus Areas
Several of our projects are focused around topic areas led by consortium members:
- Ethics of Participatory Health Research
- Evaluation of Participatory Health Research
- Interactive Knowledgebase and Impact Projects
- 'Kids in Action'
- Literature Reviews
- Theories and Methodologies in Participatory Health Research
- Training in Participatory Health Research
Ethics of PHR
Lead: Prof. Sarah Banks Community & Youth Work Studies Unit, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University. Request for case examples and case studies As part of a project focusing on ethical issues in community-based participatory research, we are collecting case examples and case studies to put on a website. These can be used in training, teaching and in preparing groups to undertake community-based research projects. The cases complement a set of ethical guidelines. We (a group of community partners and academics) have developed some webpages on the website of the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (a UK organisation). We have some cases on these webpages already, but are now seeking to expand the range – including international cases from a range of different countries and contexts and science-based projects. To learn more about this project visit our project page. |
Kids in Action
Lead: Katitza Marinkovic University of Melbourne, Australia A PHR with Children email group was established to share information and promote good practice. The Kids in Action Initiative was recently launched to establish an international network of participatory health research projects with children. All project group members will be eligible to contribute to the Kids in Action activities even if they don’t have a current project. It is anticipated this will generate resources to promote and develop the field of PHR with Children. A book chapter on PHR with Children is being prepared for the upcoming ICPHR publication with Springers Publishing – Participatory Health Research. International Perspectives. For more information on the launch of this initiative, please view our project page. |
Literature Reviews
Lead: Jon Salsberg Participatory Research at McGill (PRAM, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University CIET/PRAM will provide leadership and methodological expertise to the ICPHR network for conducting systematic reviews. This includes either leading or collaborating on reviews addressing topics identified by ICPHR network members. CIET/PRAM has the capacity to undertake multiple reviews simultaneously, assembling an international review team appropriate for each individual topic. CIET/PRAM will assist network review leads in creating protocols and applying for funding within Canada and each host country.
If you are interested in conducting a review on participatory health research to support the ICPHR, or have a review to post visit our project page. |
Theories and Methodologies of PHR
Co-leads: Prof.Sonia Acioli and Sónia Dias Popular Education, Health and Nursing Research Group, Faculty of Nursing, Public Health Department, University of State of Rio de Janeiro and Public Health, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa This focus area is interested in identifying concepts, frameworks, methodology and theoretical foundations used by PHR researchers. We want to explore the core theoretical approaches being used by PHR members. We will be organizing a short online survey that will focus on the following questions and activities:
If you would you like top join us, please send an email to project lead, Sonia Acioli or visit our project page. |
Training in PHR
Lead: Prof. Irma Brito Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra and Universidade de Cabo Verde ESEnfC/UICISA:E/PEER provides leadership and methodological expertise to the ICPHR network for promoting the use of participatory research through competency building. This includes the dissemination of PHR training courses, leading PHR training course in Portuguese, assessing the impact of PHR training, and collaborate on other issues addressing training topics as identified by ICPHR network members. ESEnfC/UICISA:E/PEER has the capacity to undertake PHR training courses on different levels and in different languages (Portuguese, French, Spanish and English). We also assist organizations in exploring capacity for developing PHR competencies among health professionals at all levels of their academic training. We are just beginning to organize a survey in order to identify PHR training courses, frameworks, methodology and theoretical foundations used in PHR training. If you are interested in building capacity on PHR, conducting a PHR training course according to the ICPHR framework or have a training course to post, visit our project page. |