[ICPHR Newsletter] Second Quarter, 2014
Information en français: Nita Chaudhuri, [email protected]
Informatión en español: Francisco Javier Mercado Martinez, [email protected]
Informação em Português: Irma Brito, [email protected]
Information auf Deutsch: Michael Wright, [email protected]
In this Issue:
1 Annual Working Meeting, August 2014 in Brazil
The Fifth Annual Working Meeting will take place in Niterói (Brazil) from August 21st to August 23rd. There will also be concurrent events in Niteróí and in Rio de Janeiro that same week, featuring Participatory Health Research in Brazil, including the First International Seminar on Participatory Health Research from August 20th to August 23rd (Link to Flyer). Registration for the meeting closed on April 15th. However, if you do not require funding you can still register by going to the website. For for information click here.
2 Reviews on Partcipatory Health Research Launched
A central goal of the ICPHR is bringing together the knowledge gained internationally regarding Participatory Health Research. An important new initiative in this regard is focusing on reviews of existing studies. CIET International and Participatory Research at McGill University in Montreal, Canada (PRAM) will provide leadership and methodological expertise to the ICPHR for conducting systematic reviews. This includes either leading or collaborating on reviews addressing topics identified by ICPHR network members. CIET/PRAM has the capacity to undertake multiple reviews simultaneously, assembling an international review team appropriate for each individual topic. CIET/PRAM will assist network review leads in creating protocols and applying for funding within Canada and each host country. For more information, go to the new review section of the ICPHR site.
3 Ethics in Participatory Health Research: Request for Case Examples and Case Studies
As discussed at our last Annual Working Meeting in Newcastle in June we will be collecting case examples for a broader discussion on ethics in Participatory Health Research. These examples will illustrate the issues raised in our position paper on ethics, available on the website. For more information about the case examples and case studies, click here. Feel free to submit your case studies in languages other than English. We will work with our language coordinators to find ways to incorporate these studies into the sites which are currently being developed in other languages. We look forward to hearing from you!
4 6th International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH)
The ICPHR member Concha Zaforteza from the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy and the Critical Health Research Group (GICS) at the University of Balearic Islands is organizing the 6th International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH) to take place in June 2015. The conference has been previously held in Australia, Iceland, Canada (twice), Denmark and now in Spain. Usually it emphasizes poststructuralist and postmodern theories, but the 6th ISIH conference is focused in critical theory and stresses critical action for challenging health inequities. For this reason ICPHR members working with participatory approaches in health could have interest in the conference. For more information visit the website here: http://www.isihconference.com/ or click on this flyer here.
5 Add us to Your Website
Adding a link to the ICPHR website is an important way you can contribute to spreading the word about our work!
6 Getting Involved
The best way to get involved in the work of the Collaboration is through the Project Groups. Contact the coordinators of the projects which meet your interests. Members are also welcome to set up new projects. This can be done by submitting an idea to the Central Office. Or maybe you represent an organization and are looking to cooperate with the ICPHR. Just send an email to the Central Office with a description of your work and we will contact you. Our list of current projects can be found by clicking here.
Informatión en español: Francisco Javier Mercado Martinez, [email protected]
Informação em Português: Irma Brito, [email protected]
Information auf Deutsch: Michael Wright, [email protected]
In this Issue:
- Annual Working Meeting, August 2014 in Brazil
- Reviews on Participatory Health Research Launched
- Ethics in Participatory Health Research: Request for Case Examples and Case Studies
- 6th International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH)
- Add us to Your Website
- Getting Involved
1 Annual Working Meeting, August 2014 in Brazil
The Fifth Annual Working Meeting will take place in Niterói (Brazil) from August 21st to August 23rd. There will also be concurrent events in Niteróí and in Rio de Janeiro that same week, featuring Participatory Health Research in Brazil, including the First International Seminar on Participatory Health Research from August 20th to August 23rd (Link to Flyer). Registration for the meeting closed on April 15th. However, if you do not require funding you can still register by going to the website. For for information click here.
2 Reviews on Partcipatory Health Research Launched
A central goal of the ICPHR is bringing together the knowledge gained internationally regarding Participatory Health Research. An important new initiative in this regard is focusing on reviews of existing studies. CIET International and Participatory Research at McGill University in Montreal, Canada (PRAM) will provide leadership and methodological expertise to the ICPHR for conducting systematic reviews. This includes either leading or collaborating on reviews addressing topics identified by ICPHR network members. CIET/PRAM has the capacity to undertake multiple reviews simultaneously, assembling an international review team appropriate for each individual topic. CIET/PRAM will assist network review leads in creating protocols and applying for funding within Canada and each host country. For more information, go to the new review section of the ICPHR site.
3 Ethics in Participatory Health Research: Request for Case Examples and Case Studies
As discussed at our last Annual Working Meeting in Newcastle in June we will be collecting case examples for a broader discussion on ethics in Participatory Health Research. These examples will illustrate the issues raised in our position paper on ethics, available on the website. For more information about the case examples and case studies, click here. Feel free to submit your case studies in languages other than English. We will work with our language coordinators to find ways to incorporate these studies into the sites which are currently being developed in other languages. We look forward to hearing from you!
4 6th International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH)
The ICPHR member Concha Zaforteza from the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy and the Critical Health Research Group (GICS) at the University of Balearic Islands is organizing the 6th International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH) to take place in June 2015. The conference has been previously held in Australia, Iceland, Canada (twice), Denmark and now in Spain. Usually it emphasizes poststructuralist and postmodern theories, but the 6th ISIH conference is focused in critical theory and stresses critical action for challenging health inequities. For this reason ICPHR members working with participatory approaches in health could have interest in the conference. For more information visit the website here: http://www.isihconference.com/ or click on this flyer here.
5 Add us to Your Website
Adding a link to the ICPHR website is an important way you can contribute to spreading the word about our work!
6 Getting Involved
The best way to get involved in the work of the Collaboration is through the Project Groups. Contact the coordinators of the projects which meet your interests. Members are also welcome to set up new projects. This can be done by submitting an idea to the Central Office. Or maybe you represent an organization and are looking to cooperate with the ICPHR. Just send an email to the Central Office with a description of your work and we will contact you. Our list of current projects can be found by clicking here.