Knowledge Base Project Funded
ICPHR member Dr. Tina Cook from Northumbria University/UK and colleagues were recently awarded a grant by JISC to set up a knowledge base pilot project for participatory research projects in the health field. The project is a cooperation with Sheffield University, Kings College London and the University of Cambridge in the UK and the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Berlin/Germany. There is currently no technological way of capturing and representing the impact of participatory research (PR). Focusing on participatory health research, this proposal brings together people with expertise in participatory, inclusive and action research, community engagement and impact analysis with technology designers to develop an open, online, interactive CERIF database. The purpose of the CERIF database is to:
- bring together published sources on the background, participatory dimension, and impact of PR, making these available to communities of practice
- provide a means of synthesising knowledge and impact from various sources in relation to participatory dimensions
- capture outputs and impacts of PR using research and other reference points
- develop dimensions for describing PR through diverse stakeholder engagement
- provide an ongoing space for the collection of resources and the shared development of understanding through the process of public categorisation for collection purposes