Members Publications
EnglishSPECIAL THEMED ISSUE: The Conceptualisation and Articulation of Impact: Hopes, Expectations and Challenges for the Participatory Paradigm in Educational Action Research (2017). Guest Editors: Cook, T. and Roche, B.
Bush, P.L., Tremblay, M.C., OPR Recommendations Working Group. (2017). ORGANIZATIONAL PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH: Practice Guide. McGill University. Bush, P. L., Pluye, P., Loignon, C., Granikov, V., Wright, M. T., Pelletier, J. F., ... & Repchinsky, C. (2017). Organizational participatory research: a systematic mixed studies review exposing its extra benefits and the key factors associated with them. Implementation Science, 12(1), 119. Cook, T., Boote, J., Buckley, N., Vougioukalou, S., & Wright, M. (2017). Accessing participatory research impact and legacy: developing the evidence base for participatory approaches in health research. Educational Action Research, 1-16. Bach M, Jordan S, Hartung S, Santos-Hövener C, Wright MT: Participatory epidemiology: the contribution of participatory research to epidemiology. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2017, 14: 2. Christensen, J. M. (2016). Acting locally, thinking globally in social work education. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(3), 1160-1173. Christensen, J., & Liveng, A. (2016). CareSam–A Cross-border Collaboration Contesting notions of elderly Care. Tiltai, 73(1), 207-222. Rosner, Irena Dychawy, and Jonas Christensen. "Globalisation brought into the classroom–reflections from the local context in social work and nursing education." Tiltai 74.2 (2016): 21-32. Christensen, J., & Lelinge, B. (2016). The importance of the meeting in relation to entrepreneurial learning-two learning environments within a Swedish context; a research circle and a school musical. ESR Journal, 1(1). Madsen, W. (2016). ‘There and back again’: International Collaboration for Participatory Health Researchers’ journeys to evidence based practice and practice based evidence. International Journal of Action Research, 12(3), 294-314. Ribeiro, CRB and Saboia, VM. Participatory Research with fishermen in Guanabara’s Bay community-Rio de Janeiro-Brasil: the Pair Education as prevention strategy of skin wounds [abstract only] Cacari-Stone L, Wallerstein N, Garcia AP, Minkler M. The Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Equity: A Conceptual Model for Bridging Evidence With Policy. American journal of public health, (Published online ahead of print July 17), e1-e9. 2014 Wright, M. T., Cook, T., Springett, J., & Roche, B. (2013). The international collaboration for participatory health research: Legitimating the science and ensuring quality. In T. Stern, A. Townsend, F. Rauch & A. Schuster (Eds.), Action research, innovation and change: International perspectives across disciplines (pp. 57) Routledge. Muhammad, M., Wallerstein, N., Sussman, A.L., Avila, M., Belone, L., & Duran, B. Reflections on Researcher Identity and Power: The Impact of Positionality on Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Processes and Outcomes. Critical Sociology (in press). Hicks, S., Duran, B., Wallerstein, N., Avila, M., Belone, L., Lucero, J., ... & Hat, E. W. (2012). Evaluating community-based participatory research to improve community-partnered science and community health. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action, 6(3), 289. International Collaboration on Participatory Health Research(2012), Boote, J, Cook, T, Harris, J. Published in: INVOLVE. National Health Service (NHS); online. Where Participatory Approaches Meet Pragmatism in Funded (Health) Research: The Challenge of Finding Meaningful Spaces(2012), Cook, T. Published in: Forum Qualitative Social Research; 13(1): Art. 18. Uncovering the Benefits of Participatory Research: Implications of a Realist Review for Health Research and Practice(2012), Jagosh J, Macaulay AC, Pluye P, Salsberg J, Bush PL, Henderson J, Sirett E, Wong G, Cargo M, Herbert CP, Seifer SD Green LW, Greenhalgh T. Published in: Milbank Quarterly; 90(2): 311-346. Evaluating Community-Based Participatory Research to Improve Community-Partnered Science and Community Health(2012), S.Hicks , B.Duran , N.Wallerstein , M.Avila , L.Belone , J.Lucero , et al Published in: Progress in Community Health Partnerships; 6(3): 289-29. Assessing the Outcomes of Participatory Research: Protocol for Identifying, Selecting and Appraising the Literature for Realist Review(2011), J Jagosh, P Pluye, AC Macaulay, J Salsberg, J Henderson, E Sirett, PL Bush, R Seller, G Wong, T Greenhalgh, M Cargo, CP Herbert, SD Seifer, LW Green. Published in: Implementation Science; 6(24):online. Assessing the benefits of participatory research: a rationale for a realist review(2011), Macaulay,A.C. , Jagosh,J. , Seller,R. , Henderson,J. , Cargo,M. , Greenhalgh,T. , Wong,G. , Salsberg,J. , Grenn,L.W. , Herbert,C.P. , Pluye,P. Published in: Global Health Promotion; 18(2): 45-48. Developing Quality Criteria for Participatory Health Research. An Agenda for Action(2011), Springett, J. , Wright, M.T. , Roche, B. Published in: WZB Discussion Paper; 1-33. Advancing the Science of Community-Level Interventions(2011), Trickett, E.J. , Beehler, S. , Deutsch, C. , Green, L.W. , Hawe, P. , McLeroy, K. , Miller, R.L. , Rapkin, B.D. , Schensul, J.J. , Schulz, A.J. , Trimble, J.E. Published in: American Journal of Public Health; 101(8): 1410-1419. Community-Based Participatory Research as Worldview or Instrumental Strategy: Is It Lost in Translation(al) Research?(2011), Trickett, E.J. Published in: American Journal of Public Health; 101(8): 1353-1355. Building an International Collaboration on Participatory Health Research(2010), Wright, M.T. , Roche, B. , von Unger, H. , Gardner, B. , Ainlay, C. Published in: Progress in Community Health Partnerships; 4(1): 31‐ 36. A Call for an International Collaboration on Participatory Research for Health(2009), Wright, M.T. , Roche, B. , von Unger, H. , Block, M. , Gardner, B. Published in: Health Promotion International; 25(1): 115 - 122. Mercado-Martinez, F. J., Tejada-Tayabas, L. M., & Springett, J. (2008). Methodological issues in emergent evaluations of health programs: lessons from Iberoamerica. Qualitative Health Research, 18(9), 1277–88. doi:10.1177/1049732308321755 The Value and Challenges of Participatory Research: Strengthening Its Practice(2008), M. Cargo , S.L. Mercer Published in: Annual Review of Public Health; 29: 325-350. Labonte, R. N., Feather, J., & Hills, M. (1996). Handbook on using stories in health promotion practice. Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada: Prairie Region Health Promotion Research Centre. |
GermanPartizipative Gesundheitsforschung: Wer partizipiert woran?(2012), von Unger, H. Published in: Forum Qualitative Social Research; 13(1): Art. 7.
Partizipative Gesundheitsforschung als wissenschaftliche Grundlage für eine partizipative Praxis(2012), Wright Published in: Rosenbrock, R; Hartung, S. Partizipation und Gesundheit. Bern: Hans-Huber; 418-428. Zur Notwendigkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Fundierung der Partizipativen Gesundheitsforschung(2010), Wright,M.T , Roche,B. , von Unger,H. , Block,M. , Gardner,B. Published in: Wright,M.T. (2010) Partizipative Qualitätsentwicklung in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention, Bern: Hans-Huber; 221-232. Spanish
Loewenson R; Laurell AC; Hogstedt C; D’Ambruoso L; Shroff Z. (2015). Investigación-Acción Participativa En Sistemas De Salud: Una Guía De Métodos. Equinet.