Reviews on Participatory Health Research
Project Lead: CIET/PRAM at McGill University
CIET/PRAM will provide leadership and methodological expertise to the ICPHR network for conducting systematic reviews. This includes either leading or collaborating on reviews addressing topics identified by ICPHR network members. CIET/PRAM has the capacity to undertake multiple reviews simultaneously, assembling an international review team appropriate for each individual topic. CIET/PRAM will assist network review leads in creating protocols and applying for funding within Canada and each host country.
CIETinternational undertakes knowledge synthesis, including meta-analysis, on a large number of topics. Among other contributions to knowledge synthesis, CIET is engaged in developing tools, such as cognitive mapping, for systematic documentation of traditional, local and unwritten knowledge that might otherwise escape scientific review and analysis.
PRAM is an emerging hub for realist review, a qualitative, theory-driven review method for synthesising complex, heterogeneous data, particularly in the area of intervention and policy impact. PRAM leads realist reviews, collaborates on others, builds capacity through training realist reviewers, and contributes to strengthening its methods and standards.
We currently have reviews published in:
If you are interested in conducting a review on participatory health research to support the ICPHR, or have a review to post, please send an email to Jon Salsberg, project lead.
- English
- German
- Portuguese
If you are interested in conducting a review on participatory health research to support the ICPHR, or have a review to post, please send an email to Jon Salsberg, project lead.
Reviews in English
Roura, M., Dias, S., LeMaster, J., & MacFarlane, A. (2021). Participatory health research with migrants: opportunities, challenges, and way forwards. Health Expectations, 00, 1-10.
Bush, P. L., Pluye, P., Loignon, C., Granikov, V., Wright, M. T., Pelletier, J. F., ... & Repchinsky, C. (2017). Organizational participatory research: a systematic mixed studies review exposing its extra benefits and the key factors associated with them. Implementation Science, 12(1), 119. Salsberg J, Parry D, Pluye P, Macridis S, Herbert S, and Macaulay AC. Successful Strategies to Engage Research Partners for Translating Evidence into Action in Community Health: A Critical Review. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2015 ( Cacari-Stone L, Wallerstein N, Garcia AP, Minkler M. The Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Equity: A Conceptual Model for Bridging Evidence With Policy. American journal of public health, (Published online ahead of print July 17), e1-e9. 2014 Macaulay AC, Jagosh J, Pluye P, Bush P, Salsberg J. Quantitative Methods in Participatory Research: Being sensitive to issues of scientific validity, community safety, and the academic-community relationship. La Revue Nouvelles Practiques Sociales, Vol.25(2), p.159-172. 2013 Jagosh J, Pluye P, Wong G, Cargo M, Salsberg J, Bush PL, Herbert CP, Green LW, Greenhalgh T, Macaulay AC. Critical Reflections on Realist Review: Insights From Customizing the Methodology to the Needs of Participatory Research Assessment. Research Synthesis Methods, Vol. 4(4). 2013 Jagosh J, Macaulay AC, Pluye P, Salsberg J, Bush PL, Henderson J, Sirett E, Wong G, Cargo M, Herbert CP, Seifer SD, Green LW, Greenhalgh T. Uncovering the Benefits of Participatory Research: Implications of a Realist Review for Health Research and Practice. Milbank Quarterly, 90(2). 2012 Pace R, Pluye P, Bartlett G, Macaulay AC, Salsberg J, Jagosh J, Seller R.. Testing the reliability and efficiency of the pilot Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) for systematic mixed studies review. Int J Nurs Stud [2011 Aug 9. Epub ahead of print]. 2011 J Jagosh, P Pluye, AC Macaulay, J Salsberg, J Henderson, E Sirett, PL Bush, R Seller, G Wong, T Greenhalgh, M Cargo, CP Herbert, SD Seifer, LW Green. Assessing the Outcomes of Participatory Research: Protocol for Identifying, Selecting and Appraising the Literature for Realist Review. Implementation Science, 6(24). 2011 AC Macaulay, J Jagosh, R Seller, J Henderson, M Cargo, T Greenhalgh, G Wong, J Salsberg, LW Green, C Herbert, P Pluye. Benefits of Participatory Research: A Rationale For a Realist Review. Global Health Promotion, 18(2); 45-48. 2011 |
Reviews in German
Clar, C; Wright, MT (2020) Partizipative Forschung im deutschsprachigen Raum - eine Bestandsaufnahme.
Reviews in Portuguese
Coming soon!